Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Dozen Ideas to Unclutter Your Life

Here are some ideas I shared at another presentation I did for a friend's party in her back yard. She had hosted a wedding for 150 the day before and wanted to take advantage of the tiny lights in the trees to have another gathering. She is one very organized woman. After dinner, I shared these tips and got lots of good ideas from the guests about how they deal creatively with clutter.

1 Find a place for your keys (a hook, a bowl) and stick to using it.

2 Set a timer for 10 minutes, put on some music and start clearing clutter in one drawer or from one horizontal surface that collects things.

3 Do the "Two Bag Tango," (thanks, Peter Walsh). Walk around your home with two trash bags: one for trash, the other for anything that needs a new home -- to go to your favorite charity, to its rightful owner or to

4 Get off junk mail lists (reduce your mail by up to 70%) and unsubscribe from newsletters you are not loving.

5 Follow the 2 minute rule: Do anything right away that will take less than 2 minutes.

6 Keep a box for items to discard and when it's full, put it in your car. Drop it off at a local thrift store.

7 Practice making quick decisions. Most clutter is delayed decisions.

8 Pause for a moment before you store something. Storing something means you don't intend to use it much.

9 Have a clear vision for what you want your life to look like and only keep things that fit that vision.

10 Get over your F.O.M.S. (Fear of Missing Something). There will always be more opportunities.

11 Question your 'shoulds.' You don't have to read every interesting thing that crosses your path.

12 Honor the stuff you love, need & want. If the stuff you accumulate isn't actively helping get you closer to a life you truly want, then it's getting in the way.

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