Monday, September 24, 2007

The mercy of Kwan Yin

As I look out the window to the deck, the sun is illuminating the head of the Kwan Yin statue my son gave me as a gift. It's an apt metaphor for me, the one who wants to stay in her head, figure things out, avoid feelings. But this first post is my attempt to change my habitual patterns. It's a way for me to step out into the spotlight -- that place I yearn for and avoid at the same time. Or maybe a split second apart. I am taking a short sabbatical between leaving an admin job, safe and secure, and working to build my business, Space for Grace, where I help people get rid of or rearrange the material things that keep them from living their heart dreams.

And as I step out on this journey, I ask for the thousand mercies of Kwan Yin. That god/goddess who blesses and forgives and is full of compassion. This morning on the radio I heard the story of a woman, now 86, who was a nurse in World War II and she was on the beaches of Normandy. Now three sons have come home safely from wars and she is grateful. She still suffers from PTSD, something that was unknown during World War II or was called shell shock. She said her son took her back to Normandy, because she wanted to visit, and after that, she started having flashbacks and nightmares again. She also said she'd like to be back where the action is, helping again as she did as a young woman. I cried as I drove, cried for all the women who have lost sons and daughters in any war. And I cried for the woman who still wants to help. And she inspires me to venture out into the places that scare me and make my contributions.

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